Thursday, March 20, 2008

Winter is Dead?

Officially, winter 07-08 was declared dead on March 20, at 12:48 AM (GMT). Yet, thanks to La Niña, the weather remains unseasonably chilly in my humble berg (and in many parts of the northern hemisphere).

How cold?
So far 2008, for the globe, has been quite cold, only just above the 1961-90 average,
said Phil Jones, University of East Anglia; quoted in this report.

Does this mean global warming is a big lie? No. Because despite the rude start, 2008 is expected to be one of warmest on record (if not the warmest, as the Old Farmers Almanac has predicted), and consistent with the forecast rise of the Earth's temperatures.


Anyway, the following pics I snapped around my house. I actually took more but they came out blurry thanks to my shivering in the frigid eve.


Janet said...

Nice pics!

Janet said...

What type of camera do you use? I live in upstate New York, so the glimpse of green already makes me jealous...:)

Adam Juice said...

Just a plain old sony dsc-w30.

They came out so lush because I had the flash on while it was getting dark around, causing those hyper-greens to come out.